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PHILIPS验厂要求 Audit purpose:  Assessment / Qualification / Follow-up and improvement 
Audited company/location: 
# Type x if relevant Check Point Reference Evidence 0 50 100
9.1 Is the supplier ISO 14001(or equivalent as recognized by PCE) certified? What is the date of the last audit and what was the auditing organisation? 供應商是否已經通過 ISO 14001(或飛利浦認可之環保制度)的認證? 最近的稽核日期是哪一天由哪一家認證機構來稽核?
9.2 Is the supplier audited on regular basis for ISO14001 re-certification? (minimum once every two years by 3rd party or as per National regulations) What was the auditing organisation? 供應商是否定期執行 ISO 14001 的重認證稽核?(被外部稽核至少兩年一次或符合當地制度)  是哪一家認證機構? 
9.3 Does the supplier have an environmental organisation in place? (responsible person, procedure, ...) 供應商是否有一環境保護架構以各司其職(含擔當者, 程序 ... 等)
9.4 Does the supplier have an environmental strategy/policy? 供應商是否實施一套環境保護策略/方針?
9.5 Does the supplier have an environmental program/roadmap? Are these documented, deployed and available on customer request? 供應商是否實施一套環境保護計劃/未來的發展藍圖? 副本可否按要 求提供給客戶?
9.6 Does the supplier produce an annual environmental report and is a copy provided to their customers? 供應商是否能出示一套環境保護年報及副本可否提供給客戶?
9.7 Does the supplier inform sub-suppliers that banned substances are not allowed in their supplied materials? Are these requirements listed in the product specifications to sub-suppliers? 供應商有否知會其下游供應商,禁止供應含被取締物質之物料。此等環保要求是否已列入產品規格中?
9.8 Does the supplier request evidence from sub-suppliers or conduct relevant testing on all relevant incoming material (e.g. dyes, plasticizer, solder, packaging, ...) to assure compliance of environmental requirements? 供應商是否要求其下游供應商提供證據或對於環保相關進料實施恰當的測試(例如: 
9.9 Does the supplier have ISO14001 certifications available for all sub-suppliers? 供應商的下游供應商中有多少已取得ISO 14001認證資格?
9.10 Are actions taken towards sub-suppliers and customers if banned substances are found internally and/or at customers?  Is an customer complaint plan in place and active? 假如於內部或客戶端發現含有被取締的物質, 對策是否追溯到其下游供應商與客戶處? 有無關於通知客戶的 圍堵, 矯正, 及預防措施的計劃?
9.11 Are the environmental specifications checked at the end of the manufacturing process? Is the product checked to environmental specifications? Are validations prescribed in the quality control plan (QCP) ?  環保規格是否於製程終點被檢查? 品質管制計劃中是否包含產品確認?
9.12 If banned substances are detected, are all infected articles taken back from the customers including the relevant supply chain? Are they disposed of properly according to (local) regulations (with evidence/report)? 假如發現含有被取締的物質, 是否取回客戶端與相關供應鍊上的污染品並依據當地的法規
9.13 How are the environmental requirements safeguard?
a Chemical content tests are done on site. Are test equipment properly calibrated and the test personnel trained? 假如於供應商廠內實施化學成份測試, 測試儀器是否經過校正以及測試人員是否經過訓練?
b Chemical tests are performed externally. What is the external organisation and has it been accredited? 假如化學成份測試委外部機構進行, 是哪一家及是否取得認可?
9.14 Does the supplier have a system in place to monitor the traceability of incoming substances and materials throughout the whole supply chain and the manufacturing processes? 供應商是否有一適當的系統用來監督製造過程中進廠物質及材料的追溯性?   Report Reference:
Audit purpose:  Assessment / Qualification / Follow-up and improvement Audited company/location: 
8. SUSTAINABILITY Average rating: Not Relevant
# Type x if relevant Check Point Reference Evidence 0 25 50 75 100
8.1.1 Has the top management of company laid down and signed-off policies covering at least Environment, Health and Safety, Child Labour, Forced Labour, Discrimination, Compensation and Work Hours; 公 司 管 理 層 是 否 已 釐 定 及 簽 發 以下 有 關 政 策:環 境 保 護,健 康 與 安 全,童 工,強 制
8.1.2 Are these policies in compliance with all applicable local laws and regulations, and the convention 138 of the International Labour Organisation. 以 上 政 策 是 否 依 照當 地 之 法 例 及 規 條 而 釐 定? 當 中 內 容 有 否 違 反 國 際 勞 工 組 織 第 138 條公約?
8.1.3 Does the company make sure that these policies are communicated to and understood by every employees ? 公 司 有 否 向 每 位 員 工解 釋,使 他 們 明 瞭 這 些 政 策?
8.1.4 Does the company make sure in a structural way that these rules are known and respected by its own supply base and contractors. 公 司 是 否 有 系 統 地 向 供 應 商 / 承 包 商 介 紹,並 要 求 他 們 遵 守 這 些 政 策?
8.1.5 Does the company have an effective bilateral communication system between all categories of workers. 公 司 是 否 設 定 有 效 渠 道,使 公 司 與 各 級員 工 可 互 相 溝 通?
8.2.1 Is the age of worker checked effectively during the hiring process ? 在 招 聘 員 工 過 程 中,是 否 有 效 地 查 核 員 工 之 年 齡?
8.2.2 Does the youngest age of workers comply with legal requirements and according to convention 138 of the International Labour organisation? (DISQUALIFYING) 最 年 輕 的 員 工 年 齡,是 否 符 合 當 地 法 例 和 國 際 勞 組 織第 138 條公約 ?(違 者 會 被 取 銷 供 應 商 資格)
8.2.3 Is the company prepared to take immediate remedial action taking into account ILO 138 and with a clear time-phased corrective action plan. 公 司 會 否 立 即 採 取 補 救 行 動,並 附 淸 晰 時 間 表,以 符 合 國 際 勞工 組 織 第 138 條公約?
8.2.4 If young workers ( 18 yrs) are employed, are they engaged in hazardous work or night shift? 年 齡 少 於 18 歲 之 員 工,有 否 被 安 排 於 有 危 險 之 崗 位 或 夜 班 工 作?
8.2.5 Are following evidences available: i) workers IDs and personal files, ii) separate register for young workers 可 否 提 供 以下 紀 錄: 一 員 工 身 份 及 個 人 紀 錄; 二 適 用 於 年 輕 員 工 之 獨 立 紀 錄?
8.3.1 Are formal contracts available with every worker and in compliance with the applicable legal requirements ? 是 否 與 每位 員 工 簽 定 聘 書 並 符 合 相 關 法 例 要 求?
8.3.2 Is any evidence identified on the use of forced labour? 是 否 有 証 據 顯 示 公 司 採 用 強 制 勞 工?
8.3.3 Is a system in place that totally and effectively bans any use of any physical force or verbal aggression towards workers ? 公 司 有 否 確 立 制 度,以 禁 止 向 員 工 使 用 暴 力 或 語 言 侵 犯?
8.3.4 Is voluntary presence of employees fully respected and not forced in any way and at any moment against their own will ? 員工 於 任 何 情 況 下,自 願 工 作 權 利 是 否 被 尊 重?
8.3.5 Is work interruption permitted in case of sickness, or any relevant and justified physical difficulty of a worker ? 員工 於 患 病 或 體 力 不 支 時,是 否 可 暫 停 工 作?
8.4.1 Is there a safety and health policy available signed-off by the company Top Management and communicated, in which is laid down how to protect the health and safety of the employees and contract labour and minimize any adverse effect on the environment. Is
8.4.2 Does supplier implement working practices to prevent personal injury and damage to property? (e.g. installation of emergency lights and fire extinguishers) 公 司 有 否 安 排 適 當 措 施, 以避 免 員 工 或 廠 房 於 意 外 中 受 到 損 害(如 安 裝 緊 急 照 明 系 統 及 滅 火 器 具)?
8.4.3 Does supplier provide training and safety equipment to employees from known hazardous processes of work? 公 司 有 否 向具 危 險 性 工 作 崗 位 之 員 工,提 供 培 訓 及 相 關 裝 備,以 確 保 工 作 安 全?
8.4.4 Does supplier provide appropriate training to ensure that employees are aware of their own responsibility for the health and safety of themselves and others and that they have adequate competence on occupational health, safety and environmental matters? 公
8.4.5 Are working stations, hygiene-relevant places, housing facilities and any place subject to employee presence, in a maintenance condition that makes them free from any risk to personal health and safety, from contamination risk, electrical hazard, and prov
8.4.6 Has an emergency plan been updated according the latest facility lay-out , displayed, made accessible to all workers, and tested for effectiveness. 緊 急 逃 生 圖 有 否 按 時 更 新, 及張 貼 於 顯 眼 處, 以 便 員 工 閲 覽, 其 有 效性 是 否 經 過 測 試?
8.4.7 Is an appropriate medical set-up able to provide relevant aid to any employee at any moment, any location, in place and effective 公 司 有 否 設 立 適 當 醫 療 設 施, 以 便 員 工 於 有 需要 時 得 到 適 當 之 治 療?
8.4.8 Is a fire prevention system in place that is compliant with local applicable regulations and company insurance clauses. Does the system cover the whole company and its annexes, tested and is in perfect working conditions. 是 否 設 有 防 火 系 統,符 合 相 關 法 例 和 保 險
8.4.9 Is a system in place that allows effective prevention of Health Safety incidents. 是 否 已 設 立 有 效 制 度,預 防 健 康 與安 全 事 故?
8.4.10 Are the following evidences available: i) Relevant H S training records ii) Accident records iii) Employee medical records 是 否 具 備 以 下 紀 錄 : 一 健 康 與 安 全 培 訓; 二 工傷 意 外; 三 員 工 醫 療.
8.5.1 Does the company treat its employees equally in employment and occupation regardless of religion, race and gender ? 公 司 是否 對 每 位 員 工,不 論 種 族,性 別 或 宗 教,一 視 同 仁.
8.5.2 Does the company make sure that each employee receives and understands all applicable rules with respect to non-discrimination ? 公 司 有 否 確 保 每 位 員 工, 皆 知 悉 及了 解 反 歧 視 的 規 例?
8.6.1 Does the company have an appropriate control system for the monitoring of individual working hours ? 公 司 是 否 訂 立 適 當 制度,監 控 每 位 員 工 工 作 時 間?
8.6.2 Does the maximum working hours of employees per day/week and month comply with the applicable legal requirements ? 員 工 每天/週/月 最 長 工 作 時 間 是 否 符 合 相 關 法 例 要 求 ?
8.6.3 Does the daily, weekly and monthly average and maximum overtime for workers comply with applicable legal requirements  ? 每天/週/月 平 均 及 最 長 超 時 工 作 時 間,是 否 符 合 有 關 法 例 要 求?
8.6.4 Are workers entitled to pauses, weekly rest day, days-off and leave periods according applicable legal requirements? 員工 是 否 根 據 相 關 法 例, 享 有 休 假(每 週 休 假,勞 工/公 眾 假 期,年 假 等)?
8.6.5 Are following evidences available:  i) Working time records, ii) Employee's voluntarily statements, iii) days-off and leave period records ? 是 否 具 備 以 下 紀 錄: 一 員 工 工 時 紀 錄; 二 員 工 自 願 聲 明; 三 員 工 休 假 紀 錄?
8.7.1 Does the compensation system, including overtime, benefits and wage deductions, comply with applicable legal requirements ? 員 工 的 薪 酬 及 福 利, 包 括 超 時 工 作 酬 勞,扣薪 等,是 否 符 合 相 關 法 例 要 求?
8.7.2  Does the company make sure that the wages' calculation rules are known and understood by all employees. 公 司 有 否 向 員 工 講 解 薪 酬 制 度 和 計算 方 法,使 員 工 明 瞭?
8.7.3  Do workers from all categories receive correctly calculated wages according the local compensation system ?  各 職 級 員 工 所 收 報 酬,是否 符 合 當 地 工 資 要 求?
8.7.4  Are all compensations paid to workers in a  timely and convenient way and according a fixed frequency ? 是 否 定 時 及 按 時 以 簡 易 方 法,向員 工 發 放 薪 酬?
8.7.5  Are all compensation records available ? 是 否 備 有 員 工 薪酬 紀 錄?
Refer to the detailed environmental checklist in Section 9. 