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Accordia Global Compliance Group
1961 Wehrle Drive, Suite 2
Williamsville, NY 14221
716-635-0567 ALGI
53 Burd Street
Nyack, NY 10960 USA
(845) 613 0095 Ext. 705
(845) 613-0097 Balkan Institute for Labour and Social Policy
Tzarigradsko Shosse
bl. 22, entr.3, app.31
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel.+359 2/ 971 25 58
Fax:+359 2/ 870 96 61 Bureau Veritas Greater China
Room 1801-02 Bank of America Plaza, No.555 Ren Min Zhong Road, Guangzhou, 510145, China
Web : www.bureauveritas.cn (CHN)
Tel: 86–20-81300800 * 114
Fax: 86–20-81300803 /81303135 CSCC
4/F Annex
Dragon Pearl Plaza
2123 Pudong AVEnue
Shanghai, 200135, China Certint 
Av. Javier Prado Este 5193
C.C. Plaza Camacho Of. B-5
La Molina, Lima 12 - Perú
cesar.montalvan@certintsac.com Cotecna Inspections
Suite 2101, No. 989 Dong Fang Lu, Zhong Da Square, Pu Dong Xin Qu
Tel: +86 21 68672300
Fax: +86 21 68672311
Email: cotecna.shanghai@cotecna.com.cn COVERCO
9 AVEnida 0-43, Zona 02 Ciudad de Guatemala, GUATEMALA
Apartado Postal 01002
Tel: + (502) 2254-2444 
Tel: + (502) 2254-2531
Fax: + (502) 2254-7790 FWF
Fair Wear Foundation
P.O. Box 69253
1060 CH Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20 - 408 42 55
Fax: +31 (0)20 - 408 42 54 Global Standards/Toan Tin
26 / 43 Nguyen Binh Khiem
District 1, DaKao Ward
Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam
Telephone: + 848 910-3868
Fax.:    + 848 910-3867 Grupo de Monitoreo Independiente de EI Salvador
Blv. de Los Héroes, Pje. Las Palmeras, Edif. DEMSA,
Local número 23, San Salvador, El Salvador, Centro América
Telefax (503) 260-8661
 E-mail info@gmies.org.sv Impactt
Room 2105 Riverside Business Complex Center
298 Yanjiang Zhong Road
Telephone: +86 (0)3758 8916, 8328 2390
Fax: +86 (0)20 3758 8913
Email:chinainfo@impacttlimited.com IRFT
Sona Udyog, Unit No. 7,
Parsi Panchayat Road, Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 069 (Maharastra), India.
Tel: (91-22) 2835 2811
Fax: (91-22) 2823 5245 Kenan Institute Asia
Queen Sirikit National Convention Center 2nd Floor, Zone D, Room 201/2 60 New Ratchadapisek Road Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Thailand Tel : (662) 229-3131  Fax : (662) 229-3130 Level Works
2787 California Street San Francisco, CA 94115
Contact: James McMichael
Tel: +1.415.440.4141
Fax: +1.415.440.4141
Email: jmcmichael@level-works.com LIFT Standards
Krampasplatz 4a 14199 Berlin, Germany Proprietor : Christian von Mitzlaff Tel. :  +49 30 82719211 Fax :  +49 30 82309861 Phulki
House - 12, Road - 2A Banani, Dhaka - 1213 Bangladesh Tel: 880-2-8827302 Fax: 880-2-9882386 E-mail: phulki@phulki.org SGS
Via G. Gozzi 1/a,20129 Milano
TEL: + 39 02 7393265
FAX: +39 02 70109489
EMAIL: marina.piloni@sgs.com T-Group Solutions
#15, Community Center, Saket, New  Delhi-110007, INDIA
Tel.:91 11-6866434,2521
Fax:91 11-6866460,7384
tarun.bakshi@triburg.co.in TUV
Unit 8, 25/F, Skyline Tower
39 Wang Kwong Road
Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
TEL: +852 2192 1000
FAX:+852 2192 1004
EMAIL: andreas.munch@hk.chn.tuv.com